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Make a wish...

Serena De Filippis

Hello there!!

By the time I am writing this post, I am already 2/3 away from the end of a dream that has started in March 2017... Have you ever made a wish that then became true? I have. And it was to be a student of the amazing culinary school Le Cordon Bleu!


I still remember when I was working as a lawyer in Rome, and during my free time I used to spend hours on the LCB website, looking for courses, events, stories of old students and what they did after the graduation, etc... So when I moved to London and decided to change my life, one of the first thing I did was to book a tour of the school. I really wanted to visit the school and see the classrooms, the kitchens... So when I got there, that evening, I was super enthusiastic!!

That's a picture that I took before entering in the school and that I posted on my private Instagram profile: 19th of March, 2016.

First step into the school and I was so excited as if I were a student already!! In few seconds, I was surrounded by all these persons - from all around the world wearing this white and blue uniform, sharing my same passion... It was simply amazing!! A lot of informations were given to me, and I remember I asked a lot of questions too... I was impressed by those big kitchens full of equipments and everything you could need to cook and bake anything you wanted! I was lucky enough to be visiting the school while a patisserie practical was going on. At the time, I couldn't really imagine what it feels like being in those kitchens. The students were actually intermediate students at the end of the term, dealing with their celebration cake... Same class I had just few days ago (here is the picture of my cake)!

After the visit, I booked a seat at an open house event to assist at a demonstration class and get a more concrete idea of what studying at LCB could be like. It was May the 25th. So for my very first demo class, Chef N. was preparing a "Dacquoise aux poires epicées et sauce chocolat au vin"... Wow!

When I left, I was 100% sure I wanted to go to LCB and wear those uniforms and aprons... And that's what happened, more or less one year later!!

So far, it is one of the best choice in my life... I cannot describe how happy I am every time I step in the class to find out the new recipe of the lesson or in the kitchen to be ready to bake my next dessert!! It doesn't matter how early in the morning it is, or how tired I am... I am always so grateful to be part of LCB.

I have learnt so much, not only the techniques and the theory but also to be more confident, precise, organized and to share the job with my teammates.

Furthermore, I have had the opportunity to meet the best pastry Chefs of the world during the Guest Chef Demonstration (Angelo Musa, Florian Poirot... just to say few names).. Being at LCB is really one of my dream coming true, every day!

I know there is still a lot to do, to improve... And just cannot wait to learn and get always better!!

Today I got my Intermediate certificate... It's unbelievable how time flies when you love what you do. Intermediate term has been amazing, more difficult and challenging but I am so satisfied of the result and my improvements!


Now we will have a little break of a couple of weeks to then start the last term, probably the best one: Superior Patisserie... And I just can't wait!!

It is not easy to describe in words all my joy and happiness, all the emotions I've been through but I hope I've been able to share with you even just a little bit of how I feel.

Enjoy your day Foodies and remember: you can't buy happiness but you can buy a cake, and it's kinda the same thing!

xx Serena

Disclaimer: the views I express are mine alone and do not reflect the views of the place where I study.

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